/********************************************************* Set of JavaScript functions used for validation **********************************************************/ /*********************************************************** validateNumber() This function checks that the value of a field is a number and, optionally within a certain range. Arguments: val = Value to be checked min = Optional minimum allowed value max = Optional maximum allowed value ************************************************************/ function validateNumber(val, min, max){ if ( isNaN( val ) ) return false; if ( min && val < min ) return false; if ( max && val > max ) return false; return true; } /*********************************************************** dateComponents() This function splits a date in to the day, month and year components, depending on the format supplied. Used by Date Validation routine. Arguments: obj = Input whose value is to be checked format = date format, ie mm/dd or dd/mm ************************************************************/ function dateComponents(dateStr, format) { var results = new Array(); var datePat = /^(\d{1,2})(\/|-|\.)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{2}|\d{4})$/; var matchArray = dateStr.match(datePat); if (matchArray == null) { return null; } //check for two digit (20th century) years and prepend 19. matchArray[4] = (matchArray[4].length == 2) ? '19' + matchArray[4] : matchArray[4]; // parse date into variables if (format.charAt(0)=="d"){ //what format does the server use for dates? results[0] = matchArray[1]; results[1] = matchArray[3]; } else { results[1] = matchArray[1]; results[0] = matchArray[3]; } results[2] = matchArray[4]; return results; } /*********************************************************** valiDate() This function checks that the value of a date is in the correct format and, optionally, within a certain range. Arguments: obj = Input whose value is to be checked min = Optional minimum allowed value max = Optional maximum allowed value format = date format, ie mm/dd or dd/mm ************************************************************/ function valiDate(obj, min, max, format){ dateBits = dateComponents(obj.value, format); if (dateBits == null) return false; //Check it is a valid date first day = dateBits[0]; month = dateBits[1]; year = dateBits[2]; if ((month < 1 || month > 12) || (day < 1 || day > 31)) { // check month range return false; } if ((month==4 || month==6 || month==9 || month==11) && day==31) { return false; } if (month == 2) { // check for february 29th var isleap = (year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0)); if (day>29 || (day==29 && !isleap)) { return false; } } //Now check whether a range is specified and if in bounds var theDate = new Date(dateBits[2], parseInt(dateBits[1]) - 1, dateBits[0]); if ( min ) { minBits = dateComponents (min, format); var minDate = new Date(minBits[2], parseInt(minBits[1]) - 1, minBits[0]); if ( minDate.getTime() > theDate.getTime() ) return false; } if ( max) { maxBits = dateComponents (max, format); var maxDate = new Date(maxBits[2], parseInt(maxBits[1]) - 1, maxBits[0]); if ( theDate.getTime() > maxDate.getTime() ) return false; } return true; } /*********************************************************** validateEmail() This function checks that the value of a field is a valid SMTP e-mail address ie x@xx.xx Arguments: obj = Input whose value is to be checked Original source: http://javascript.internet.com Author: Sandeep V. Tamhankar (stamhankar@hotmail.com) Note: Work in progress = validate SMTP OR Notes Canonical ************************************************************/ function validateEmail( obj ) { var emailStr = obj.value; var reg1 = /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)/; // not valid var reg2 = /^.+\@(\[?)[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.([a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/; // valid if ( !reg1.test( emailStr ) && reg2.test( emailStr ) ) { return true; } else { return false; } } /*********************************************************** locateFileUpload() Returns a handle to the file upload control on a form. Used to get around the fact that there is no consistent way to refer to the element cross-browser. ***********************************************************/ function locateFileUpload( f ) { for(var i = 0; i < f.elements.length; i ++) if( f.elements[i].type=='file' ){ return f.elements[i]; } } /*********************************************************** validateFileType() This function checks that the type of file being uploaded is allowed Arguments: obj = The File Upload control. fTyp = Allowed file types ************************************************************/ function validateFileType( obj, fTyp ) { dots = obj.value.split("."); fType = "." + dots[dots.length-1]; if ( fTyp != null && fTyp.indexOf(fType) == -1 ) return false; return true; } /*********************************************************** validateFileLimit() This function checks that the value in a file upload Arguments: obj = The File Upload control cur = Current number of file attachments max = Limit on allowed files ************************************************************/ function validateFileLimit( obj, cur, max ) { if ( cur >= max ) return false; return true; } /*********************************************************** OnFailure() This function returns the failure message to the user and sets focus on the input in question. Arguments: obj = Input element on which to return focus lbl = Field Label to prepend on to the message msg = Array value for message to give the user ************************************************************/ function OnFailure( obj, lbl, msg,arfrm ){ var msgs = new Array(); msgs["text"] = "يجب تعبئة خانة "; msgs["textarea"] = " يجب تعبئة خانة "; msgs["select-one"] = "يجب إختيار "; msgs["select-multiple"] = "يجب إختيار "; msgs["checkbox"] = "يجب إختيار "; msgs["file"] = " is a required upload. \n\nPlease select a file."; msgs["fileType"] = " يجب أن يحتوي على أنواع محددة(.gif, .jpg) \n\nPlease select a valid file type."; msgs["fileLimit"] = " is a limited file upload. \n\nPlease reduce number of attachment(s) first."; msgs["radio"] = "يجب إختيار "; msgs["number"] = " خانة رقمية\n\n يجب تعبئة الخانة "; msgs["date"] = " خانة تاريخ\n\n يجب تعبئة خانة "; msgs["email"] = " خانة بريد الكتروني \n\n يجب تعبئة الخانة "; if(msg[1] || msg[2]){ //upper/lower bound ranges have been specified if(msg[1] && msg[2]){//range term = ( msg[0] == "date" )? " ("+arfrm+")" : ""; alert( msgs[msg[0]]+"\""+ lbl+"\"" + term + " بين " + msg[1] + " و " + msg[2]); } else if (msg[1]) {//lower bound term = ( msg[0] == "number" ) ? " إكبر من " : " (" + arfrm + ") بعد "; alert( msgs[msg[0]]+ lbl+ term + msg[1]); } else {//upper bound term = ( msg[0] == "number" )? " أقلّ من " : " (" + arfrm + ") قبل "; alert( msgs[msg[0]] +lbl+ term + msg[2]); } } else {//no range given alert("\""+ msgs[msg[0]]+" \""+lbl); } obj.focus(); return false; } /*********************************************************** isSomethingSelected() This function is passed an object of type redio group or check box. It then loops through all options and checks that one of them is selected, returning true if so. Arguments: obj = Reference to the parent object of the group. ************************************************************/ function isSomethingSelected( obj ){ for (var r=0; r < obj.length; r++){ if ( obj[r].checked ) return true; } } /*********************************************************** validateRequiredFields() This function is passed an array of fields that are required to be filled in and iterates through each ensuring they have been correctly entered. ************************************************************/ function validateRequiredFields( f, a ){ for (var i=0; i < a.length; i++){ e = a[i][0]; //checks input types: "text","select-one","select-multiple","textarea","checkbox","radio","file" switch (e.type) { case "text": if ( trim(e.value) == "" ) return OnFailure(e, a[i][1], ["text"]); if ( a[i][2] ) { switch ( a[i][2][0] ){ case "number": if ( !validateNumber(e.value, a[i][2][1], a[i][2][2]) ) return OnFailure(e, a[i][1], ["number", a[i][2][1], a[i][2][2]]); break case "date": if ( !valiDate(e, a[i][2][1], a[i][2][2], a[i][2][3]) ) return OnFailure(e, a[i][1], ["date", a[i][2][1], a[i][2][2], a[i][2][3]], a[i][3]); break case "email": if ( !validateEmail(e) ) return OnFailure(e, a[i][1], ["email"]); break default: break } } break case "file": //make sure AT LEAST one file gets attached if ( a[i][2][1] == 0 && trim(e.value) == "" ) return OnFailure(e, a[i][1], ["file"]); if ( trim(e.value) != "") { //check type of file that is being uploaded if ( a[i][2][0] != null && validateFileType( e, a[i][2][0] ) == false ) return OnFailure(e, a[i][1], ["fileType"]); //check that file limit has not been reached if ( a[i][2][2] != null && validateFileLimit( e, a[i][2][1], a[i][2][2] ) == false ) return OnFailure(e, a[i][1], ["fileLimit"]); } break case "textarea": if ( trim(e.value) == "" ) return OnFailure(e, a[i][1], ["textarea"]); break case "select-one": if ( e.selectedIndex == 0 ) return OnFailure(e, a[i][1], ["select-one"]); break case "select-multiple": if (e.selectedIndex == -1) return OnFailure(e, a[i][1], ["select-multiple"]); break default: //must be a checkbox or a radio group if none of above if ( !e[0]) {//handle single item group first switch (e.type) { case "checkbox": if ( !e.checked ) return OnFailure(e, a[i][1], ["checkbox"]); break case "radio": if ( !e.checked ) return OnFailure(e, a[i][1], ["radio"]); break default: break } } else { //handle multi-item groups switch (e[0].type) { case "checkbox": if ( !isSomethingSelected( e ) ) return OnFailure(e[0], a[i][1], ["checkbox"]); break case "radio": if ( !isSomethingSelected( e ) ) return OnFailure(e[0], a[i][1], ["radio"]); break default: break } } break } } return true; }